Thursday 21 August 2014

Axis and Allies 1939

This evening I have been continuing my solo game based on the original Axis and Allies game, but tracking the war from September 1939.
Tonight was December 1939 to February 1940.
Before each turn I document the historical activity and with that information I study the strategic situation on the board.
In both the far east and in western Europe the campaign has moved ahead of history because it was obvious to the Japanese and the Germans that delay would reduce the chances if victory.
The Japanese have now taken French Indo-China and all the island groups north of Australia.
The Germans have moved into France and the Low Countries, but their submarine building programme suffered a setback after the RAF attacked the new U-boat fleet in the Baltic and effectively wiped it out.

An introduction to me

I am very nearly a pensioner.  I started wargaming after my parents bought me a copy of Terry Wise's book for christmas 1967 or '68.
Most of my games are played solo, but I do occasionally host games for my mates who are occasional gamers, and I enjoy sporadic visits to the Wargames Holiday Centre at Kingsclere, UK.
I game mainly in 6mm and 2mm (1/300 and 1/900 scale) but recently I have been buying 1/72 plastic stuff from Ebay to recreate the 1970s gaming style.
I am running a play-by-email campaign set in the Iberian peninsula in 1808.
I have another blog ( which documents my various projects.  The email campaign will start to appear there one gaming month after the timeline.  Two gaming days to go before the first post.